OpenHIM Data Model

Transaction Log

id (PK) - the primary ID

uuid - a unique uuid that is assigned to every new message

path - the path of the URL that was received by the OpenHIM for this transaction (with no request parameters)

request_params - a string of the request param that are stripped from the path

body - The HTTP body of the incoming message

http_method - The HTTP method of the incoming message

resp_status - the HTTP status code for the response that was received by the OpenHIM

resp_body - the body of the response that was received by the OpenHIM

received_timestamp - The timestamp that the incoming message was received

responded_timestamp - The timestamp that the response was sent back to the client

authorised_username - The username of the user that sent the incoming message (not currently used or filled in)

error_description - A description of an error that occurs in the OpenHIM while processing the current message

error_stacktrace - The stacktrace of an  error that occurs in the OpenHIM while processing the current message

status - Foreign key to the status table to determine the current state of this transaction


When this data model in instantiated in the OpenHIM 3 status row are created. These are as follow:
