Jembi TS Web Browser Installation

Jembi has developed a TS web browser as a replacement for the standard Apelon DTS tree browser for use as part of RHEA. The following is an installation guide for it using Ubuntu.

The website itself is written in PHP using the Twitter Bootstrap Framework and runs in Apache. It interfaces to a Tomcat server which in turn interfaces to Apelon DTS via its Java APIs. The interface between Apache and Tomcat is accomplished using PHP/Java Bridge.

The TS website should now be running.

Note that when you startup the server for the first time, the csv exports will not have been generated yet. This will however be done automatically, but may take a while.

A note on security: The website only needs to be accessed externally by clients through Apache (port 80). So it is not necessary to open ports for Apelon DTS or Tomcat on the server.