RHEA storyboard.pptx
RHEA_Use Cases.docx
Rwanda Maternal Health Use Case Overview - 1.docx
UC01 - Community Health Worker Identifies New Pregnancy.docx
UC02 - Community Health Worker triages emergent conditions -1.docx
UC07 - Health Center Worker verifies and documents pregnancy - 2.docx
UC08 - Health Center Worker provides protocolized antenatal visit care - 2.docx
UC09 - Health Center Worker provides protocolized pMTCT + antenatal care - 2.docx
UC10 - Health Center Worker assesses for high risk health care conditions during pregnancy and treats within center - 2.docx
UC11 - Health Center Worker assesses for high risk conditions during pregnancy and refers to district hospital for treatment - 2.docx
UC12 - Health Center Worker assesses for high risk delivery criteria and refers - 2.docx
UC13 - Health Center Worker supports and documents normal risk deliveries - 2.docx
UC14 - Health Center Worker provides postnatal care
UC15 - Health Center Worker performs maternal and child death auditing - 2.docx
UC16 - Health Center Worker summarizes services administered in completion of monthly report - 2.docx