Post alerts - Internal

Receives an alert message and relays it to the appropriate CHW. This transaction allows RapidSMS to receive an alert message and deal with it appropriately. An acknowledgment is returned if the transaction was a success, otherwise an error is returned.

Transaction Specification

Description: Receives an alert message and relays it to the appropriate CHW. This transaction allows RapidSMS to receive an alert message and deal with it appropriately. An acknowledgment is returned if the transaction was a success, otherwise an error is returned.
Input: An HL7 ORU_R01 message containing the alert.
SeeRapidSMSMessaging Specs
Output: A positive or negative response.

Sample Messaging Implemenation

Scenario 1 : RapidSMS Receiving a alert from the SHR

Sample Request Message



PID|||1198680069759062^^^^NID||\rOBR|1|||^Maternal Health Alert|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||CHW

OBX|1|CE|Antenatal Care Visit||anc4||||||F

Sample Response Message
