Register new patient

Registers a new patient with the Client Registry.

Transaction Specification 

URL: POST /ws/rest/v1/patients/

Description: Registers a new client/patient in the client registry.


HTTP request body will contain an HL7 v2.5 message that contains all of a patient information (demographic and identifying etc.) as defined below.


See UC01.002 Maintain Client Registry for the latest data structure for this section.

Message specification

The HL7 message will be a HL7 v2.5 ADT_A28 message with the following structure:
See Register-or-Query-Client


HTTP 201 - Created - If the client was saved.

The location (URI) of the newly created resource should be returned in the location header.


HTTP 500 - Server Error - If the server encountered an error.

HTTP 400 - Bad Request - If the HL7 v2.5 message is malformed.


This section describes how this transaction is orchestrated through the HIM (interoperability layer) in order to complete this transaction.

  1. Call Register new client

Sample Messaging Implementation

Scenario 1

Registers a new patient from the Rwandan MoH's OpenMRS implementation with the Client Registry.

User Interface


(@Ishimwe, could you please insert images of the filled in user interface from OpenMRS when you have this completed)

Sample Request Message

Note: This message is very incomplete and requires revision:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ADT_A05 xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v2xml">




















   <CX.5>NID number</CX.5>

















   <XAD.4>Kigali Province</XAD.4>




 <PD1 />







   <XAD.4>Kigali Province</XAD.4>








 <OBX />


Sample Response Message

HTTP/1.1 201 Created