RHEA Project Call - 2013/09/05


  • Project status update - Dr. Richard/Dawn/Wayne
    • o New site (Nyagasambu HC) deployment update - Wayne/Emmanuel
    • o Elbow support updates - Emmanuel/Michel/Dawn
    • o HIE Transaction Summary - Wayne
  • 2014 Project Plan Review - Dr. Richard/Dawn
    • o Please make time to comment on the documents and provide input on where you could contribute to specific themes and activities. 
    • o 2014 Project Plan Discussion - The high-level goals in this document were outlined by Dr. Richard. The blue text is the outcome of discussions which elicited more detail about the outputs of each of the high-level goals and their proposed quarters of work in 2014. 
    • o RHIE 2014 Definitions of Success - The high-level goals taken from 2014 Project Plan Discussion were put into this spreadsheet. The "[DRAFT] Themes-activities-deliverables" tab identifies each theme which we broke down into deliverables, activities, assigned durations for work completion, and the team members that could ideally contribute to each activity.
    • o RHIE 2014 Project Plan: Quarter 1 - This document describes in more detail the specific theme and activities proposed for Quarter 1 along with the envisaged function of each partner. 



130905 RHIE Conference Call Minutes.docx


An audio recording of today's call will be available for replay.

(Recordings are not available after 30 days.)