HL7 message processing code walkthrough

The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the HL7 message parsing and encoding process.

1) The SHR Adapter module uses the HAPI API for message generation / parsing.  HAPI is an open-source, object-oriented HL7 2.x parser for Java. It allows us to create 'well formed' hl7 messages to be consumed.

The walkthrough covers two key classes-

  • 1) The hl7 message generator (GenerateORUR01.java)
  • 2) The hl7message consumer (RHEA)RUR01Handler.java)

The use of message routing in OpenMRS and the SHR Adapter module

This section will cover the user of the hl7message receiver class, and the purpose of registering a handler class to 'listen' to hl7 messages.