SHR Key Use Cases

Listed below are the key use cases coverd by the SHR Adapter module

  • Persist form data (encounters) into the database

A Save encounter request (POST) is triggerd on the SHR adaptr module when an user filles in an form in the POC module.  Therefore, a single save encounter request may contain an encounter. The encounter may contain one or many obs groups or obs. These will be persisted accordingly in the database.

  • Retrieve all encounters for a patient
  • Retrieve a single encounter
  • Retrieve all encounters recorded after a given date

The three use cases specified above will be triggered by user actions on the POC module. In each case, the GET request will contain parameters which will filter out only the required data.

  • Return all encounters that originate from a different facility

The POC module requires to be able to retrieve all previous encounters for a patient. In such an event, It is nessesary to filter out the encounters which were entered from the originating faculty that the request is made from, as this faculty will already have the encounters created at their facility persisted in their database.

To do this, the GET request made by the POC module will also contain the elid (Enterprise Location ID) of the originating faculty. When the SHR receives an elid, it will filter out the matching encounters, and return only encounters made from different ELID's.